I have a bad habit of looking at on-screen things that are patently inedible and saying to myself “I could make a GOOD version of that.” Although, if you’ve been following my series of AI Weirdness cookies, you know that already. (Gotta post the other ones I’ve got stored up.) This time, my brain decided to take on THIS monstrosity:

Technically, in the Cooking Simulator game it comes from, this is a cookie. A sprinkle cookie, to be exact, lovingly made by Josh of Let’s Game it Out with 4.7 kilograms of sprinkles.

If you didn’t include all the broken glass and eggshells he loves to cook with, it would probably be technically edible if it were possible, but to quote The Brain, “Why would you want to?” I’d much prefer to run with the concept, and with the blueberries and lime curd he found in the virtual pantry during the decoration phase, and make something spectacular for GOOD reasons. Without the bacon, eggs, or unibrow. Although you’re welcome to put them on your version if you like.