I’ve made a lot of birthday cakes, for which I’m very grateful as it’s not only fun, but also means The Offspring is growing up and thus surviving. This year, when asked what he wanted on the cake, he shrugged and grunted as teens are wont to do, and so I made the executive decision to do something I’d wanted to do for years: Among Us cupcakes.

Originally I was only going to make dead crewmates, but I realized that would be A) super morbid for a birthday and B) rather confusing for anyone not well acquainted with the game. (Mostly B, if we’re being honest.) So I pivoted to half and half, stacking an unwrapped cake on top of a wrapped one to make the live ones. That way, for each dozen cupcakes, you get 4 live and 4 dead. You’ll need a little more than 1 recipe of American “buttercream” to make 8 of each from 2 dozen cupcakes. Don’t worry about making your colors match the game exactly if you don’t want to, and don’t feel like you have to mix a billion colors of frosting to make them all totally different. Shapeshifters are a thing, after all.