I’ve talked about it. I’ve referred to it. I’ve been afraid of it, in awe of it, and disgusted by it. I’ve overhauled it, scrapped it, resurrected it, condemned it, and redeemed it.
And now I’m releasing it.
AND illustrating it, because making art fights heartburn, and making this particular art fights fascism in more ways than one.
I’ll be posting the full text of each segment here and the illustrated version with HOLY ALT-TEXT BATMAN at Tumblr. Be advised that both will be considered under construction until the full story is told. Revisions affecting plot, if any are made, will be noted, linked and briefly explained on each post in both locations; minor revisions and consistency/copy edits will be tracked but not expounded upon.
Full text:
“—transportation centers in the north of the continent have been destroyed. Repeat, all transportation centers from Sannila north have been destroyed. Fire and rescue personnel have been dispatched to assist in the control of fires and demonstrations. Please follow any instructions issued by your local police or fire personnel. If instructed to evacuate, proceed to the nearest children’s school or hospital for temporary shelter. If you have a reliable means of ground transportation, please fill all possible space and move away from urban areas toward the nearest highway corridor. Do not attempt to evacuate unless instructed to do so. Explosions, fires, and burglary are still occurring without warning. Residents not instructed to evacuate should remain behind locked doors if possible. Volunteers for police or fire forces are being accepted at all fire stations and all remaining police stations. Do not attempt to join any regulatory force without the approval of your local coordinator. Citizens who are currently away from home should not attempt to return. Instead proceed to the nearest children’s school or hospital to register for group transport to general reunion centers. General reunion centers are located in the following areas: Sannila, Henderik Campground, Mel—”
Darica switched off the radio receiver. The broadcast had looped around to the place she had come in. It hadn’t changed since the last time she had checked it, three hours ago; and that had been the same as the night before. She wondered which would happen first: the station’s generator giving out, or the message becoming so outdated as to be irrelevant. The station was somewhere in the city center, so it wasn’t likely that anyone would be coming back to record a new message. She wouldn’t have, if it was her job.
Jupiteroid by GGBotNet
Times Sans Serif by royzera
Blockades by RaisProject
Haliwax by Kirk Shelton